Swoop meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Swoop
As noun : अधीन होना Ex:  This is never a sloppy swoop
छापा उ:   कई बार यहां छापा मारकर क्रांतिकारियों को दबोचने के प्रयास किये गये। झपट पड़ना झपट्टा मारना झपट्टा झोँका धावा बोलना हथलपकी
Swoop ki paribhasha : bahut teji se badhakar koi chij le lena aisa saaancha jisapar gila rng ya syaahi aadi potakar kisi vastu ar usaki athava usapar khude ya ubhare hue chihnon ki aakrati utaarate hain
Usage of Swoop in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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