Take in meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Take in
As noun : झाँसे में आना Ex:  Health House, House where we take in the pension patients or invalids to heal
As verb :
अकलना Ex:  I want to sit here a minute and take in the view . अख्ज Ex:  The endothelial cells lining the blood vessels take in more glucose than normal आलक्षण Ex:  Though he did take in a few students, Gauss was known to dislike teaching. उद्ग्राह Ex:  To operate they constantly take in and release energy. काम लेना Ex:  depopulate a forest, a nursery, take in too much of trees or plants गौर से देखना Ex:  Give, take, take in lease घर में आने देना Ex:  Having excellent glance, quickly see that the party must take in an unexpected circumstance छोटा करना Ex:  He still called each taking a remedy, the amount that we must take in at once देखनेना Ex:  It can also take in good part and then means Speaking happily on certain subjects धोखा देना Ex:  It is also possible, but less frequently, take in a favorable direction निबोध Ex:  It is, by extension, the Food hares, pheasants and other game coming out of the woods, take in the surrounding fields निर्ह्वास Ex:  The first level we take in a faculty before license and Ph प्ररुपण Ex:  The look of the painter, sculptor, architect Have a good glance, quickly see that the party must take in an unexpected circumstance मोहना Ex:  The vine does not take in this area लाति Ex:  , Make a clean sweep, Divert both its domestic; Make and new house, take in other ले लेना लेना उ:   यहाँ बेसन गुजराती पापडी के साथ उबली हरी मिर्चे लेना न भूले। शामिल करना श्रयना समझना हरामखोरी
Take in ki paribhasha : doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana kisi baat ko achchhi tarah jaan lena
Usage of Take in in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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