Temperature meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Temperature
As noun : चंड़ Ex:  Check the temperature before you go outside .
जरनी Ex:  His temperature has gone down to normal . टेंपरेचर Ex:  Average annual temperature is 9.7 °C . तप Ex:  The temperature of a beer has an influence on a drinker's experience. उ:   धर्म को पाने के लिए भी तप करना जरूरी है। ताप Ex:  The daily temperature in winter is -15 to -20 degrees Celsius उ:   अधिक ताप पर इस हाइड्राइड, का विघटन हो जाता है। तापमान Ex:  Average January temperature is -10.8 °C उ:   तापमान यदाकदा ही शून्य तक पहुंचता है। ताबी Ex:  The temperature in August can reach 40 °C त्रिताप Ex:  Bread can be served at any temperature ranging from room temperature to hot. दवरी Ex:  Productivity varies depending upon water temperature दूयन Ex:  With a temperature under 10 °C निदाघ Ex:  The coldest temperature recorded was -0.7 °C on 17 June 2006 प्रदव Ex:  31 days a year when the temperature is above 30 °C Ex:  The highest ever recorded temperature in Belgrade was +43,1 °C विकराली Ex:  The lowest temperature recorded is 15.8 °C and highest 45 °C . सुपरकास Ex:  The temperature varies with the seasons
Other : उष्णतामान Ex:  regulate the temperature गर्मी या सर्दी Ex:  The temperature varies every day. गर्मी वा सर्दी Ex:  the temperature is thermostatically controlled ताप परिमाण Ex:  The temperature ranges between 13 and 32 degrees Celsius . तापक्रम Ex:  1933, the third coldest temperature recorded in a capital city . उ:   तापक्रम की सीमा वर्ष भर से रहती हैं। तापांश Ex:  The average temperature varies little in the city हरारत Ex:  The average temperature is in January and 18 °C in July. उ:   सिरदर्द, ताप तथा हरारत की शिकायत होती है। हालत Ex:  The average temperature in Denver is 50.1 °F उ:   शहरों की हालत गाँवों से कुछ अच्छी न थी।
Temperature ki paribhasha : vaayumndl ki garami ka utaar chadhaav chaaron or ki vastuon aur vyaapaaron ki sthiti ek praakratik shakti jisaka prabhaav padaarthon ke pighalane, bhaap banane aadi vyaapaaron men dekha jaata hai aur jisaka anubhav agni, soory ki kiran aadi ke roop men indriyon ko hota hai tharmaamitar ya garami maapane ke yntr dvaara maapi gai sharir ya vaayumndl ki ooshma
Usage of Temperature in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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