Thereupon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thereupon
As noun : उस पर Ex:  He thereupon rewrote the history of the Aztec people
उसके बाद Ex:  Abram thereupon proposed to Lot that they should separate तदुत्तर तदुपरि तापति
As adverb : उसके तत्काल बाद Ex:  Hannibal thereupon went into voluntary exile.
Other : ऐसा होने पर Ex:  He dabbled thereupon तत्पश्चात Ex:  It makes them a long harangue thereupon उ:   तत्पश्चात क्रूस की आराधना की जाती है। तदनंतर Ex:  The law is formal and thereupon speaks very clearly उ:   तदनंतर स्थानीय संस्थाओं का जन्म होने लगा। तब उ:   तब से काशी उनका निवास-स्थान बन गया। तिस पर तो
Usage of Thereupon in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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