Thicken meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thicken
As verb : गाढ़ा करना Ex:  Action thicken, to thicken
गाढ़ा होना Ex:  It also said the Jams, when the syrup that they contain comes to thicken
Other : गाढा करना या होना Ex:  Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice गाढ़ा मोटा बनाना Ex:  It also said the consistency of liquid things that we cook or thicken by fire or otherwise गिचपिच होना Ex:  It said, in terms of cuisine, from egg yolks slurried and other material calculated to thicken a sauce घना होना या करना। Ex:  It should thicken the syrup भीड लगाना Ex:  Put breadcrumbs in a sauce to thicken
Usage of Thicken in sentences

The word can be used as verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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