Thumb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Thumb
As noun : अँगुठा Ex:  Ekalavya gave his thumb as guru dakshina to Dronacharya.
अँगुष्ठ Ex:  A thumb is the thick short finger on your hand . अंगमर्दन Ex:  dronacharya demanded thumb to eklavya in gurudakshina. अंगुष्ट Ex:  I don't want to have these people under my thumb . अंगुष्ठ Ex:  The rule of thumb is that doubling the associativity उ:   अंगुष्ठ या अँगूठा या हाथ की अंगुलियों में से एक है। अंगूठा Ex:  Various styles dictate the curve of the fingers and thumb उ:   इसे अंगूठा टेक नियम कहा जाता है। अरसपरस Ex:  The thumb is very important in tennis. अवकखन Ex:  Iguanodon's most distinctive features were its large thumb spikes आपीड़न Ex:  Later fossils revealed the true nature of the thumb spikes उदीक्षण Ex:  The thumb spike is one of the most well-known features of Iguanodon. उद्वोक्षण Ex:  Their thumb spikes were mistaken for horns एषण Ex:  Second, human rights could be considered rules of thumb घिस डालना Ex:  This was not a strict line but a general rule of thumb घूठना Ex:  Go! Game term used by children, who raise the thumb to give the signal to suspend the fight or the झिकना Ex:  INDEX still says the nearest thumb Finger, because c 'is the one which is ordinarily used to indicate, to show something तकन Ex:  It also says a mitt, a thick leather glove or wool where there is no separation for the fingers except for the thumb तकनापु Ex:  It employs specially in terms of anatomy: The thumb is opposable the other fingers तष्षना Ex:  Kind of length measurement, which form the gap between the end of the thumb and of the finger when both ends are as distant from each other as they can be तारनी Ex:  Kind of small spinning top, which is rotated with the thumb and the index and which often covers its side faces of letters or numbers used to indicate when the winner plays several दबटना Ex:  MAIN also said the Ends of animals, when there is a separate thumb of the other four fingers दबाना Ex:  Natural History It is said that carnivorous mammals thumb feet clear of other fingers and opposable दिच्छना Ex:  piece of tin, horn, copper or other material, some workers are covered thumb to work दीदारी Ex:  Sort wool glove, silk or skin where the hand between whole, without separating finger, except for thumb दृश Ex:  The four fingers and thumb दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  The opponent thumb देखना Ex:  The thumb has two phalanges, and other fingers have three उ:   कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन, हर कोई भव्य ऊंट मेले को देखना चाहता है। धरपना Ex:  The thumb is roughly 27mm धौँसना Ex:  THUMB says, in terms of Zoology, a Finger few mammals have hands and even feet, and, like the thumb in humans is opposable to the other fingers निभार Ex:  , being under the thumb of someone being exposed to severities, processes more or less harsh of a legitimate authority or not पलटना Ex:  , Reading thumb Browse a book by rapidly turning the pages with your thumb पेखनापु पैँचना प्रतिचक्षण प्रपीड़न बेखना भीँचना मुशाहदा रूलना सन्निवृत्ति समालोक सुपीड़न
Other : अँगूठा Ex:  Rahul went to thumb the oncoming motorist. अंगुठा Ex:  Andy impressed his thumb into the pie . उ:   दायें हाथ कन्धे के ऊपर से लेकर दायें पैर का अंगुठा पकड़िए। अंगूठा लगाकर गन्दा करना Ex:  When held in correct manner, the thumb rests on the side of the stick. अंगूठा लगाकर पलटना{गन्दा करना} Ex:  The thumb rests on the shaft of the bow अगुष्ठ Ex:  While playing in thumb position अनाडीपन से हाथ में लेना या बजाना Ex:  Koufax's pitching broke the thumb of his catcher अनाड़ीपन से हाथ में लेना या बजाना Ex:  Align the thumb of your right hand along the magnetic moment
Thumb ki paribhasha : manushy ke haath ki sabase chhoti aur moti uangali aanguthe ki chaudai jo uangali ke poron ki lnbaayi ke baraabar maani jaati hai bojh ke niche laana jisamen koi chij niche ki or das jaay athava idhar udhar hat na sake kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana kisi vastu ki sthiti ko ulatana
Usage of Thumb in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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