Time meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Time
As noun : अंठ Ex:  People who are tired, most of the time sprawl.
अंतकाल Ex:  this time he succeeded उ:   डिवोनियन कल्प के मध्य तथा अंतकाल के बीच मछलियाँ उत्पन्न हो चुकी थीं। अंतकृत Ex:  that was the time he came nearest to death अंतक्क Ex:  office at the time of his untimely death. अंतवेला Ex:  the dancers moved in time with the music अंतिकाल Ex:  we should learn estimation of time अकालज्ञ Ex:  Tyres are used on the side of boats as fender to avoid damage at the time of collision. अक्ष्ण Ex:  You will do well to arrive on time tomorrow! अक्ष्ण Ex:  You will do well to arrive on time tomorrow! अखंड़न Ex:  This is not the propitious time to grow wheat. अखंड़न Ex:  This is not the propitious time to grow wheat. अन्नगति Ex:  sometimes taking an indirect path saves time अप्पय Ex:  Do you know what time it is?. अवकास Ex:  it was time for an overhaul on the tractor अवकास Ex:  it was time for an overhaul on the tractor अवधि Ex:  the rotation of the dancer kept time with the music उ:   इस अवधि में बहुत सारे काम किए थे। अवसर Ex:  Rahul spend his time drinking and philadering girls. उ:   उनके जीवन में ऐसा अवसर पहली बार था। आदिकाल Ex:  Lord Mount B. was the viceroy of India at the time of Indias independence. उ:   मनुष्य आदिकाल से सुखों की खोज में लगा हुआ है। इहतियाज Ex:  he took three cookies at a time उत्क Ex:  some time india wins against austrelia in cricket ऊर्ब Ex:  Angling is very time consuming. ऐतिहासिक काल Ex:  Childhood is the best time of life. ऐयाम Ex:  January 1974 and December 1999.The coldest daytime maximum temperature was ऐयाम Ex:  January 1974 and December 1999.The coldest daytime maximum temperature was Ex:  From time to time she commented on his account. उ:   प्रौद्योगिकि के कारण अनेक वस्तुऔ क उत्पदन बहुत ही जल्दी हो जाता है। Ex:  From time to time she commented on his account. उ:   प्रौद्योगिकि के कारण अनेक वस्तुऔ क उत्पदन बहुत ही जल्दी हो जाता है। कांस्यताल Ex:  Ram and his friend have turned foes after the last time they quarrelled. काल Ex:  the TV program has a new time slot उ:   उपनिषद् काल का आरम्भ बुद्ध से पर्याप्त पूर्व है। कालकृत Ex:  The vase is a memento of our time in Italy. कालचिह्न Ex:  He is a first time buyer in this shop. कालपुरुष Ex:  He works frantically to finish on time कालयात्रा Ex:  You can take your won time to ponder, before answering. कालसंपन्न Ex:  the ravages of time कुछ समय तक Ex:  it was time for her to go onstage कोई निश्चित समय Ex:  efface the memory of the time in the camps क्रतंत Ex:  The president doesnt have much time for relaxation. गति Ex:  be patient for time being उ:   भूमि सम्पादन कार्य तेज गति से जारी है। गरुरा Ex:  He whistles all the time . गवँन Ex:  Please don't argue back all the time . घाएँ Ex:  I will be there on time . घाएँ Ex:  I will be there on time . चरणचार Ex:  The apple tree blossomed out for the last time . जवनिमा Ex:  All your best time is gone—blown off . जूग Ex:  It's time to cash in your U . ढाण Ex:  Sarah devoted all of her time to Roger . ताल Ex:  Hi, Bill! Long time no see . उ:   इस क्षेत्र में अनेकों झील एवं ताल पाये जाते हैं। तिथि Ex:  We f lew out on time . उ:   इस समय के तीसवें भाग को तिथि कहते हैं। तूर्णि Ex:  Bob visits us at our house from time to time . त्रिपुट Ex:  Those guys don't have much time to go out . धधिन Ex:  He'll be here on time in all probability . ध्वजद्रुम Ex:  In the first instance, I don't have the time . नापना Ex:  In the first place, I don't have the time . निशिचित कर लेना Ex:  Mine keeps good time . निशिचित करना Ex:  I hear that Tom's been making time with Ann . पइस Ex:  I hear they've been making time for months . परिस्थिति Ex:  Don't mung it up this time . उ:   अंतिम समय उसने परिस्थिति संभालने का यत्न किया। प्रणिघान Ex:  It's about time you popped for coffee . प्रवाँण Ex:  You're taking up my time . प्रुष्व Ex:  During the time of the East India Company बरिया Ex:  In an editorial at the time बरिया Ex:  In an editorial at the time बरिया Ex:  In an editorial at the time बार Ex:  By the time of the Vietnam War उ:   इस मेले में हर बार विशाल संख्या में भक्त आते हैं। बीचु् Ex:  At the time of her death बेरिया Ex:  At the time of the Somme भवभंजन Ex:  In the time of the Roman Empire भसंत Ex:  The greatest poets of the time was Mihály Csokonai Vitéz and Dániel Berzsenyi. भसंत Ex:  The greatest poets of the time was Mihály Csokonai Vitéz and Dániel Berzsenyi. मिलावनो Ex:  At the time of his death मुहूर्त Ex:  On November 12, 1656, Milton remarried, this time to Katherine Woodcock. उ:   हिन्दू धर्म में मुहूर्त एक समय मापन इकाई है। मुहूर्तक Ex:  By the standards of his time मोसर ‡ Ex:  Legal Tender Notes of the time मौका Ex:  By the time he was 17 उ:   नलिकाएं क्षरणों को भी तेज़ी से विकसित होने का मौका देती हैं। युग Ex:  In Imperial Germany and later during the time of the Weimar Republic उ:   इस युग को इसीलिए द्विवेदी-युग कहते हैं। रँह Ex:  Turin reached about 5,000 inhabitants at the time रँहति Ex:  It spans four time zones रफत Ex:  The Atlantic islands are in the easternmost time zone. लफ Ex:  During his time at Rutgers लय Ex:  Aubrey later said "at that time उ:   ये नृत्य करते समय लय और आनन्द में डूब जाते हैं। वक्त Ex:  By the time of E.S.P. Davis' lineup consisted of Wayne Shorter उ:   अब वक्त हुआ गुरु से विदाई लेने का । विचाल Ex:  By the time of Live-Evil in December 1970 वींखा Ex:  Even during this time वेल्ल Ex:  During this time most French Canadians stayed neutral. वेल्लित Ex:  He played soccer for Bradford City this time वेहला ‡ Ex:  This is the time as indicated by modern sundials. वैकिंकट Ex:  39 such time zones are now in use. व्यक्तभुक् Ex:  Aside from the conflicts with Landnámabók and the laws of the time व्यक्तभुक् Ex:  Aside from the conflicts with Landnámabók and the laws of the time व्यक्तभुज् Ex:  Even from the time of the Atom व्यक्तभुज् Ex:  Even from the time of the Atom शतागुल Ex:  02-12-31-26/ recurs for a third time . श्राम Ex:  Lolita also was the first time Kubrick worked with British comic Peter Sellers श्राम Ex:  Lolita also was the first time Kubrick worked with British comic Peter Sellers समकाल Ex:  Rachel McLish, Lou Ferrigno, Lenda Murray, Dorian Yates and eight time Mr. समय की गणना करने की शैली Ex:  At the time Caesar was killed on the Ides of March 44 BC समय देखना Ex:  The local time in Tashkent is UTC/GMT +5 hours. समय निशिचित करना Ex:  The first time was in 1995. In 2007 समय निश्चित करना Ex:  The Counts of Leuven became Dukes of Brabant at about this time . समय Ex:  This time it was Candide उ:   इस समय प्रदेश का मन अनमना है । समयअ Ex:  At about the same time समयक्रिया Ex:  At the same time that the Vals were attacking समयवेला Ex:  As time progresses in the novel समापत्ति Ex:  At the time of the 2006 census समै, समैया, समो Ex:  At the time of Emperor Augustus समै, समैया, समो Ex:  At the time of Emperor Augustus समै, समैया, समो Ex:  At the time of Emperor Augustus सर्वसंहार Ex:  The local time is GMT + 4 hours. सलिलभर Ex:  , the time before the Allies captured Rome and Mussolini fled to the North. सहस्त्रयुग Ex:  From the time of the founding of the United States सामय Ex:  At the time of its founding स्राम्य Ex:  Yet many of the major German composers of the time स्वयंभू Ex:  Other opera composers of the time include Marschner उ:   स्वयंभू का पउम-चरिउ वास्तव में राम-कथा ही है। हालडोल Ex:  Her fiancé at the time हिसाब लगाना Ex:  At various periods in that time हुलक Ex:  Again with Egyptian money, Antony invaded Armenia, this time successfully.
Other : अयन Ex:  This time he succeeded. उ:   सूर्य का अयन ६ माह का होता है। अवकाश Ex:  It is reported that he often spent his leisure time sequestered in his room उ:   इन दो अधिवेशनों के बीच तीन से चार सप्ताह का अवकाश होता है। अवस्था Ex:  Diwali is the time of festivities. उ:   इस अवस्था में यह खमध्य प्रक्षेप हो जायगा। अहद Ex:  His unmanly behaviour at the time of crisis led us down. ओसरा Ex:  India is a demographic time bomb गँवाना Ex:  He took a long time to twig the answer. गमाना Ex:  All right, it's time to go . गाह Ex:  We all met at the hotel at the appointed time . टाइम Ex:  I checked the book in on time . उ:   टाइम टीवी एक पंजाबी टीवी चैनल है। बेला Ex:  Also during this time उ:   जब बेला उसके सामने समर्पण करती है तो वो उसपर हमला कर देता है। मरतबा Ex:  By the time of the Korean War वक़्त Ex:  I'm guilty," Aubrey said at the time उ:   उस वक़्त वो गर्भ से थीं । वक्त{घड़ी में} Ex:  By the time In a Silent Way had been recorded in February 1969 वेला Ex:  Another popular band, Eppu Normaali, also started during this time period, . समय पर Ex:  Gaye failed to make the stage on time and by the time he came साइत Ex:  All of Argentina uses UTC-3 time zone.
Time ki paribhasha : soory ya chndrama ki dakshin se uttar ya uttar se dakshin ki gati ya pravratti jisako uttaraayan aur dakshinayan kahate hain git gaane ka dhng ya tarj kisi vastu ka vistaar is prakaar nirdhaarit karana ki vah ek niyat vistaar ka kitana guna hai ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par kramash jaane ki kriya samaan kaaran hone se ek sa samajha jaanevaala vah nicho bhoomi ya lnba chaud gaddha jisamen barasaat ka paani jama rahata hai RRiddhi aur vraddhi naamak do oshadhiyaaan vakilo, bairistaron ka samooha, unaka pesha aur kachahari men unake uthane baithane, aaraam karane ka sthaan chndrama ki kala ke ghatane ya badhane ke anusaar gine jaanevaale mahine ka din vah snbndhasatta jisake dvaaraa, bhoota, bhavishya, vartamaan aadi ki pratiti hoti hai aur ek ghatana doosari se aage, pichhe aadi samajhi jaati hai
Usage of Time in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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