Tired meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tired
As noun : उबाऊ Ex:  He is tired by midweek only. उ:   यह एक बहुत ही उबाऊ शो होगा।
As verb :
उकताया हुआ Ex:  Each step told on his tired legs तकित Ex:  I am tired of battling against Karen . थका Ex:  I'm tired of your criticism, Bill .
As adjective : बुरी तरह थका हुआ Ex:  As with all architectural styles, people eventually tired of Baroque.
Other : क्लांत Ex:  Tom must be tired of the city . थका हुआ Ex:  I am tired of dining in . थकित Ex:  She is slouching around because she is tired . माँदा Ex:  Sir John Brute in The Provoked Wife is tired of matrimony. विथकित Ex:  A tired horse and rookie श्रांत Ex:  A tired volume A volume that was used extensively सश्रम Ex:  Are you already tired of doing good? He is tired of life स्थकित Ex:  be on its side, be very tired हलकान Ex:  be tired of living हैरान Ex:  be tired out, be extremely tired उ:   वो ये देख कर हैरान रह जाता है कि किसी ने उसके पिता को मार दिया है।
Usage of Tired in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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