To meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To
As noun : की अओर Ex:  We went to Delhi in an AC sleeping car.
बन्द अवस्था में Ex:  Radioactive materials are dangerious to mankind. बन्द Ex:  Dimond rings are even-handed to the shopkeeper. उ:   शुक्रवार को यह संग्रहालय बन्द रहता है। होश में Ex:  Ram goes to the bazaar.
As verb : सेवा में Ex:  Failures are the spurs to success.
Other : अयुज Ex:  the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap उपगत Ex:  mother's orders to acceptance. उभरना Ex:  `Yogis anglicized to `Yoga. Ex:  Relay the managers orders to the workers. उ:   क ही अध्ययन क्षेत्र पर कार्य करता है। Ex:  Relay the managers orders to the workers. उ:   क ही अध्ययन क्षेत्र पर कार्य करता है। कहि Ex:  He yielded to his bosss pressure. कहियाँ Ex:  exposure to the weather काहीं Ex:  After entering politics,he learnt to dissimulate his feelings. की ओर Ex:  Well, we're off to the Amazon . की Ex:  file to be sended for your persual. उ:   हिन्दी की इण्टरनेट पर अच्छी उपस्थिति है। के अनुसार. Ex:  I am a libra according to star-signs. के प्रति Ex:  susceptible to colds के मुकाबले में Ex:  He explained the laws of physics to his students को Ex:  he spoke calmly to the rioting students उ:   हिन्दी को देवनागरी लिपि में लिखा जाता है। कोंपु Ex:  All his allegations proved to be false. घर घर Ex:  The bills have to be paid anually only. तँ Ex:  He uses his fingertips to type. तईँ Ex:  insensitive to radiation तईँ Ex:  insensitive to radiation तक Ex:  The children cozied up to their mother . उ:   आज तक प्राकृतिक विपदाओं से एक भी मौत नहीं हुई है। तग Ex:  She drove up to the door and stopped . तरफ Ex:  They went for a pilgrimage to Badrinath. उ:   दोनों तरफ छायादार पेड़ लगे हैं। तलक Ex:  She treated her friends to an icecream. ता Ex:  We will f ly up to St . उ:   अगर चिकित्सा समाज विज्ञान अपने सैद्वान्तिक आधारों पर विकसित हो ता है। ताँईं Ex:  Fran gave herself up to the disease . तैँ Ex:  The chances are 10 to 1.
He is richer to her.
त्या Ex:  This behavior endeared her to me दै Ex:  He went to the Physio-therapist for traction. नइ Ex:  Commuters were pouring in to the station. निकट Ex:  pray to the Lord उ:   यही निकट परास की व्यवस्था कहलाती है। परजंत Ex:  Kelly snuggled up to Jeff . पर्यत Ex:  The orders are up to our knees . Ex:  Whenever he comes to India he visits us.
Whenever he comes,he gives gifts to the children.
उ:   भक्त उनके दर्शन के लिए तलाश डब्ल्यूएचओ दिन ब दिन बढ़ रहे हैं।
बारे में Ex:  Libation to ancestors. ले ‡ Ex:  Leading up to the Lagoon is the Monumento Roosevelt . लौँ Ex:  Then David goes up to Hebron सम्बन्ध में Ex:  Army men saluted to their country. से मिला कर Ex:  She converts to the Jewish Faith. से Ex:  Weall went to the Communion. उ:   मैंने डीएसपी से बात की । सेँति, सेँती Ex:  They implored her to stay. हुंता Ex:  He went to his farmstead. हुते Ex:  Deaf to her warnings में उ:   हिन्दी में ये निम्न नामों से पुकारे जाते हैं।
To ki paribhasha : ek vibhakti jo kisi vastu ya vyaapaar ki sima athava avadhi soochit karati hai kaamadev ki patni ka naam vah pustak jisamen kisi grnth ya pustak ke kathin shabdon ke arth ya unaki vyaakhya ki gai ho karm aur snpradaan ka vibhakti pratyay
Usage of To in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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