Turbulence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Turbulence
As noun : अकखड़पन Ex:  the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence
अशांति Ex:  DEVIL also said figuratively a very mean person, or violent, passionate, or excessive petulance, a troublesome turbulence and noisy उ:   लगभग उसी समय, मिस्र में अशांति पैदा हो रही थी। उग्रता Ex:  The turbulence of his character makes it difficult to live तिग्मता प्राचंडय बदअमली भ्रशिमा रँह वायुमंडलीय विक्षोभ विक्षोभ उ:   पश्चिमी विक्षोभ के कारण ठंडी अधिक होती है। विधव्य व्याक्षोभ संराग साहसकरण हिद्दत
Other : उपद्रव Ex:  This child is an unbearable turbulence दंगा हलचल
Turbulence ki paribhasha : raajy ke bhitar janata ki ashaanti aur uddhat aacharan logon ke bich phaili hui adhirataa, ghabaraahata, daud dhoopa, shoragul aadi haathi ki chhaati ka ek bhaag ya paarsha्v
Usage of Turbulence in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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