abstruseness meaning in tamil
Word: abstruseness - The english word have 12 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of abstruseness in english - mystery, perplexity, puzzler
riddle conundrum subtlety question enigma secrecy problem mystification stickler cliffhanger twister occult puzzlement cryptogram crux difficulty poser why charade oracle sixty-four-thousand-dollar question thriller stumper grabber whodunit chiller teaser inscrutability sphinx rune rebus brainteaser braintwister closed book inscrutableness mindbogglerknown understanding
Meaning of abstruseness in english - mystery, perplexity, puzzler
Identical words :
abstruseness of a subject - nunmai ( நுண்மை )
Synonyms of abstruseness
Antonyms of abstruseness
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