alike meaning in tamil

Word: alike - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, adverbin english.
Meaning of alike in english - similar, similarly

Meanings in tamil :

trachu ( தராசு )
tulakkol ( துலாக்கோல் )
tularachi ( துலாராசி )
chamanam ( சமானம் )

Synonyms of alike

identical like Xerox akin allied analogous approximate carbon copy cognate comparable concurrent correspondent corresponding dead ringer ditto double duplicate equal equivalent even facsimile indistinguishable kindred look-alike matched matching parallel proportionate related resembling same spitting image uniform associated mated same difference undifferentiated likewise comparatively equally evenly uniformly analogously comparably consonantly correspondingly equivalently identically in accordance with in common in the same degree in the same manner

Antonyms of alike

dissimilar unlike diverse opposite different distinct differently unequally dissimilarly
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