all round meaning in tamil

Word: all round - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of all round in english - all-round, well-rounded, broad-spectrum, many-sided, multifaceted, protean

Meanings in tamil :

As adverb :
chuṟṟumuṟṟum ( சுற்றுமுற்றும் )

Synonyms of all round

comprehensive extensive global all-around all-inclusive expansive extended far-reaching overall sweeping widespread wide-ranging wide-reaching adaptable flexible all-purpose excellent versatile large far-ranging accomplished adroit ambidextrous conversant dexterous elastic facile functional gifted handy ingenuous mobile plastic pliable ready resourceful skilled skillful talented variable varied various

Antonyms of all round

limited similar
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