beset meaning in tamil

Word: beset - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of beset in english - plague, hem in

Meanings in tamil :

chuzpoka ( சூழ்போக )
சுற்றிப் போக
chuṟṟivalaikka ( சுற்றிவளைக்க )

Synonyms of beset

bedevil perplex besiege beleaguer surround embarrass invade overrun hassle infest encompass ring badger aggress nudge nag pester attack storm strike circle encircle assail bug entangle girdle ride dog harass environ harry enclose pick on drive up the wall fall on fall upon give a bad time give a hard time give one the business give the needle put the squeeze on start in on

Antonyms of beset

explain surrender exclude aid unloose release assist please clarify clear up leave alone free support lose let go
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