blend meaning in tamil

Word: blend - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of blend in english - composite, mix, harmonize

Meanings in tamil :

As adjective :
kl ( கல )
kalappakka ( கலப்பாக்க )
champantankalakka ( சம்பந்தங்கலக்க )

Identical words :

blending - changkalitam ( சங்கலிதம் )
blending of different soils - tinaimayakkam ( திணைமயக்கம் )
blending the peculiarities of any two or more soils - tinaimayakkam ( திணைமயக்கம் )
blended with reproof - nayapayam ( நயபயம் )
blending of different tracts of country - nilamayakkam ( நிலமயக்கம் )

Synonyms of blend

mixture combination fusion concoction brew synthesis commixture amalgamation union compound alloy intermixture interfusion mingle merge synthesize fuse combine integrate meld amalgamate weld unite commingle coalesce cement interblend complement fit arrange unify orchestrate suit symphonize go well

Antonyms of blend

separation division natural element disconnect disperse divide part separate disharmonize unmix
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