blunt meaning in tamil

Word: blunt - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, verbin english.
Meaning of blunt in english - not sharp, straightforward, make dull

Meanings in tamil :

kanaiyezuttani ( கணையெழுத்தாணி )

Identical words :

blunt knife - manaikkatti ( மணைக்கத்தி )
bluntness - mzukkm ( மழுக்கம் )
blunt instrument - mnai ( மணை )
blunt arrow - marakkol ( மரக்கோல் )

Synonyms of blunt

dulled rounded insensitive obtuse pointless edgeless unsharpened matter-of-fact curt rude trenchant outspoken explicit brusque candid forthright frank short brief bluff abrupt crusty discourteous gruff impolite snappy snippy tactless unceremonious uncivil unpolished plain-spoken dampen debilitate cripple soften water down sap undermine weaken benumb attenuate enfeeble disable desensitize deaden hebetate obtund

Antonyms of blunt

polite tactful needled pointed sharp subtle kind nice devious lengthy long aid assist increase enliven sharpen encourage help
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