bribe meaning in tamil

Word: bribe - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of bribe in english - payoff to influence illegal or wrong activity, request silence, action, or inaction for money

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
pri ( பரி )
paritanam ( பரிதானம் )
பண் டமாற்று
kaikkuli ( கைக்கூலி )

Identical words :

As noun :
bribery - chuṟṟukkattu ( சுற்றுக்கட்டு )
bribe paid in hand - kailancham ( கைலஞ்சம் )

Synonyms of bribe

gift kickback perk gratuity blackmail incentive compensation hush money reward inducement graft bait lure sop ice take allurement gravy grease envelope price lagniappe protection present perquisite goody contract enticement payola fringe benefit sweetening remuneration feedbag sweetener buyoff corrupt money corrupting gift influence peddling buy off seduce tempt instigate coax suborn tamper tip lubricate sugar fix pervert square approach soap get at pay off buy back do business get to grease palm make a deal oil palm sweeten the pot

Antonyms of bribe

loss penalty hindrance straighten turn off repulse
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