brute meaning in tamil

Word: brute - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of brute in english - very strong, animal-like, barbarian

Meanings in tamil :

mirukam ( மிருகம் )
man ( மான் )
pnṟi ( பன்றி )

Identical words :

brute or vegetable - chittu ( சித்து )
brute creation - mirukachati ( மிருகசாதி )

Synonyms of brute

beastly bestial bodily carnal feral fleshly instinctive mindless physical senseless unthinking ferine swinish lout ogre savage ruffian devil monster cannibal swine degenerate fiend creature critter sadist

Antonyms of brute

gentle mild weak humanitarian angel
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