butterfly meaning in tamil

Word: butterfly - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of butterfly in english - insect, kiss, smooch, caterpillar, lady, osculation, smacker, anxiety, nervousness, trepidation, stage fright, jitters, unease

Meanings in tamil :

pappatti ( பாப்பாத்தி )

Synonyms of butterfly

tick vermin pest mite bee fly louse arachnid gnat dragonfly moth grasshopper spider cockroach termite ant mosquito beetle flea fruit fly aphid ladybug cootie bumblebee bedbug arthropod hornet daddy longlegs praying mantis yellowjacket peck salute caress embrace endearment salutation blow graze greet brush glance mush neck lip osculate make out French pucker up park canker tractor larva woolly bear girl queen adult female matron doll empress bitch rib broad dame babe baroness petticoat mistress noblewoman bag old lady old woman missus sultana squaw mare mama gal princess duchess gentlewoman countess old bag contessa little woman queen bee buss restlessness apprehension suffering uncertainty disquiet misgiving mistrust angst doubt uneasiness dread misery suspense trouble panic concern distress foreboding heebie-jeebies watchfulness fuss solicitude downer flap disquietude botheration sweat goose bumps pins and needles all-overs shivers shakes jumps fidgets fretfulness willies creeps butterflies worriment ants in pants cold sweat nail-biting tension impatience agitation sensitivity anger turbulence worry perturbation stimulation animation to-do tizzy timidity discomfiture fluster delirium feverishness neuroticism neurasthenia dithers moodiness touchiness trembles excitability quivers tremulousness dismay consternation alarm excitement terror horror emotion shock palpitation disturbance fear blue funk cold feet trepidity bashfulness freeze aphonia aphonia clericorum aphonia paralytica aphonia paranoica buck fever flop sweat hysterical aphonia loss of speech mike fright mutism spastic aphonia

Antonyms of butterfly

man calm calmness collectedness happiness joy advantage contentment composure nonchalance tranquility ease certainty security sureness peace confidence trust belief faith blessing peacefulness assurance relaxation discouragement encouragement beauty health pleasure
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