aim meaning in telugu
Word: aim
Meaning of aim in english - goal, point or direct at a goal
desire direction target wish aspiration intention purpose ambition objective plan end mark course design scheme desideratum where one is heading intend propose focus try want address mean essay attempt concentrate level fix covet slant cast train sight aspire angle contemplate endeavor steer strive zero in on zoom indislike hate hatred avoidance thoughtlessness neglect aimlessness purposelessness ignore forget look awayair breathed throoughnostrilair that rises in the throatair-cushionairairingairlessairsairt of the compassalacrityalarmalarmed to fearalarmedalarmingalas o whatpityalas seealasalbugoalertalertnessalias
Meanings in telugu :
lepp ( లెప్ప )
Identical words :
aim an expedient - sooti ( సూటి )
Synonyms of aim
Antonyms of aim
Related English Telugu Meaning
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