backbiter meaning in telugu

Word: backbiter
Meaning of backbiter in english - enemy, shrew

Meanings in telugu :

angudutudipi ( అంగుడుతుడిపి )

Synonyms of backbiter

murderer spy terrorist competitor attacker rival guerrilla agent detractor bandit foe villain traitor rebel opposition invader criminal adversary antagonist opponent revolutionary inquisitor falsifier contender betrayer assailant informer assassin fifth column archenemy prosecutor defiler vilifier defamer disputant emulator traducer saboteur slanderer asperser bad person calumniator other side seditionist wench fury siren hussy bitch hellion carper vixen virago nag scold battle-ax biddy harridan harpy madcap termagant porcupine she-devil tigress amazon spitfire ogress fire-eater muckraker dragon fishwife hell cat old biddy reviler she-wolf

Antonyms of backbiter

associate police ally helper supporter aide assistant confidante law

Related English Telugu Meaning

backbitingbackbitingplotbackbonebackside ofhousebackstitchingbackwards and forwardsbackwardsbackyard ofhousebackyardbad creaturebad fortunebad humours in the body the evil eye mischief done to infants by the touch of an impure personbad manbad namebad omenbad pathbad poetbad reputationbad signbad smell
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