chief meaning in telugu
Word: chief
Meaning of chief in english - most important, essential, person in charge
prime leading main preeminent principal superior head star champion grand premier major primary cardinal ruling key capital telling central arch first consequential controlling crucial effective especial foremost highest momentous number one outstanding paramount potent predominant primal significant stellar supreme uppermost vital weighty superintendent ruler commander director manager supervisor captain leader monarch ringleader honcho bigwig sovereign governor general proprietor overlord dictator overseer President chieftain boss big cheese big wheel suzerain foreperson big gun head honcho head person key player top brasssubordinate unimportant auxiliary extra minor lower insignificant inessential nonessential unnecessary inferior secondary bad poor follower employee apprentice servant underlingchiefly such as is derived from the flight of birdschieftainchignonchild birthchild in armschild of many fatherschildchildbirthchildhoodchildishchildless womanchildmalechilds rattlechilds word fchillchillieschillinesschillychin the beardchin
Meanings in telugu :
sinhamu ( సింహము )
Identical words :
chief officer of the policeofcity - kotvaalu ( కొత్వాలు )
chief man - praathamikudu ( ప్రాథమికుడు )
chiefly such as is derived from the flight of birds - shakunamu ( శకునము )
chief ofcompany - saamavaayikudu ( సామవాయికుడు )
chief man - praathamikudu ( ప్రాథమికుడు )
chiefly such as is derived from the flight of birds - shakunamu ( శకునము )
chief ofcompany - saamavaayikudu ( సామవాయికుడు )
Synonyms of chief
Antonyms of chief
Related English Telugu Meaning
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