conclusion meaning in telugu
Word: conclusion
Meaning of conclusion in english - end, judgment, decision
completion development closure ending denouement result consequence outcome culmination finish eventuality upshot finale stop period wrap cease close cessation termination issue payoff end of the line windup desistance inference conviction agreement verdict opinion settlement resolution resolve deduction ratiocination corollary determination illationintroduction commencement source initiation preface prelude concept theory beginning opening start cause originconcord of words insentenceconcordconcubineconcupiscenceconcur withconcurred incondemned to diecondimentcondimentscondition agreed oncondition due to want of foodcondition of being onconditionconditions on which these villages are held are specified thuscondole withconduct oneselfconductconeconfederationconference
Meanings in telugu :
viraamamu ( విరామము )
Synonyms of conclusion
Antonyms of conclusion
Related English Telugu Meaning
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