crispness meaning in telugu

Word: crispness
Meaning of crispness in english - brevity, chill

Meanings in telugu :

garagar ( గరగర )

Synonyms of crispness

condensation economy transitoriness terseness conciseness pointedness concision ephemerality transience pithiness impermanence succinctness curtness coldness rawness coolness iciness sharpness rigor bite nip frigidity

Antonyms of crispness

longevity permanence lengthiness heat

Related English Telugu Meaning

critical point of timecriticismcroakcrocodilecronecrooked backcrooked iron-bar used to open the gate ofpagodacrooked legcrooked swordcrookedcrookednesscrop of sesamumcrop with scissorscropcroppedcropscrorecross barscross beam in the middle ofpicotacross beam ofpicota
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