dawn meaning in telugu

Word: dawn
Meaning of dawn in english - beginning of day, a beginning, start

Meanings in telugu :

vyushtamu ( వ్యుష్టము )

Identical words :

dawned - vyushtamu ( వ్యుష్టము )

Synonyms of dawn

daylight daybreak dawning morning aurora sunup cockcrow sunrise break of day bright first blush first light crack of dawn day peep early bright wee hours advent birth origin foundation head opening outset commencement onset source inception alpha emergence genesis unfolding outstart loom develop appear lighten originate initiate glimmer

Antonyms of dawn

sunset dusk evening eventide setting sundown ending darkness conclusion finish result completion death finale effect stop disappear decrease lessen hide terminate conclude

Related English Telugu Meaning

dawnedday after the fullday after to-morrowday afterfeastday and nightday before yesterdayday breakday from sunrise to sunsetday longday of full moonday of the monthday of the weekday passed without eating any food when one is attacked with fever and other diseasesday timeday-breakday-timedaydaybreakdazzlingdead man
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