decline meaning in telugu

Word: decline
Meaning of decline in english - lessening, downward change in value, position, say no, lessen, become less, descend

Meanings in telugu :

navat ( నవత )

Identical words :

declined - vinamitamu ( వినమితము )

Synonyms of decline

drop slump recession failure deterioration fall downturn flop ebb downfall dissolution downgrade abatement descent decay waning wane backsliding degeneration comedown senility dive decrepitude diminution relapse enfeeblement failing degeneracy weakening pratfall devolution ebbing cropper worsening dwindling skids falling off on the skids loss slide decrease dip slope lowering declivity sag hill slip pitch downswing depression incline downslide drop-off downtrend fall-off refuse dismiss deny reject forbear spurn balk renounce repudiate shy avoid abjure forgo refrain disapprove nix demur desist abstain bypass reprobate gainsay turn down beg to be excused not accept not hear of not think of pass on send regrets turn thumbs down don't buy return dwindle recede sink diminish deteriorate shrink depreciate disintegrate cheapen fade revert subside pine flag settle droop degenerate retrograde rot backslide languish fall off disimprove go downhill go to pot go to the dogs hit the skids lose value

Antonyms of decline

increase success accomplishment achievement improvement progress betterment rise ascent upgrade development growth strength strengthening perfection grant sanction use ascend accept allow approve continue indulge want agree go along say yes go up compliment laud praise enlarge enhance expand extend advance reach win build flourish even

Related English Telugu Meaning

declineddeclining fromheightdecoctiondecorateddecorating the feet with saffron powderdecoratingdecoration of the hair with flowersdecorationdecreasedecreedecrepitdecrepitudededicationdeductiondeed action in generaldeed improper to be done bybrahmin an unbrahminicaldeed of dissolution of partnershipdeed of release from all demandsdeeddeep blue
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