delay meaning in telugu
Word: delay
Meaning of delay in english - deferment, interruption, cause stop in action
stoppage lag setback moratorium postponement suspension problem wait obstruction check reprieve jam holding lingering filibuster tie-up surcease remission detention stay downtime bind interval adjournment stall impediment hindrance retardation discontinuation holding pattern dawdling prorogation demurral cunctation tarrying showstopper logjam procrastination loitering cooling-off period hangup hold-up putting off retardment restrict suspend bar detain shelve prevent withhold prolong impede put off hamper block keep clog temporize dilly-dally dawdle curb table protract inhibit repress procrastinate arrest confine discourage deter drag interfere slacken choke encumber stave off remand intermit prorogue bide time gain time hold over keep backcontinuation aid assistance liberation furtherance hurry speed help promotion support beginning go advance dispatch expedition hastening rush expedite release permit carry out unblock complete liberate promote forward free let go continue open allow do encourage abandon finish pushdelayingdeliberationdelicacydelicate sweet smelling plantdelicatedeliciousdelight indelightdelighteddelightfuldeliriumdeliver to do away withdeliver to the charge of anotherdeliverdeliverancedelivered todelivereddelivering updeliveringdell
Meanings in telugu :
zaalamu ( ాలము )
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