destructive meaning in telugu

Word: destructive
Meaning of destructive in english - injurious, devastating, hurtful, disparaging

Meanings in telugu :

vishamu ( విషము )

Synonyms of destructive

suicidal deadly calamitous pernicious harmful toxic cataclysmic disastrous detrimental catastrophic lethal ruinous fatal damaging baleful baneful cancerous consumptive cutthroat deleterious dire evil fell internecine mortal noisome noxious pestiferous venomous pestilential slaughterous annihilative eradicative extirpative lethiferous wrackful wreckful troublesome hostile offensive negative vicious adverse corrosive abrasive antagonistic caustic contrary derogatory discouraging opposed undermining cankerous discrediting erosive

Antonyms of destructive

harmless healthful wholesome fortunate assisting helpful kind advantageous beneficial creative productive encouraging blessed favorable life-giving aiding building hopeful positive friendly nice agreeable gentle

Related English Telugu Meaning

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