disaster meaning in telugu

Word: disaster
Meaning of disaster in english - accident, trouble

Meanings in telugu :

vipatti ( విపత్తి )

Synonyms of disaster

harm crash catastrophe emergency failure fiasco holocaust mishap flood calamity debacle setback defeat hazard woe tragedy collapse ruination undoing misadventure collision stroke slip affliction rough casualty blow misfortune bust depression blight exigency bale bane cataclysm fall mischance reverse flop upset grief rock adversity act of God bad luck bad news hot water washout fell stroke hard luck ill luck

Antonyms of disaster

advantage good luck happiness miracle success achievement attainment win boon joy victory building aid health encouragement prosperity benefit blessing good fortune wonder creation triumph

Related English Telugu Meaning

disbeliefdisbursementdiscdiscarddischarge ofdebt fdischarge ofgundischargedischarged as frombowdischargeddiscipledisciplinedisciplineddiscloseddiscof the sundiscolorationdiscoloúreddiscomfiturediscomposeddisconcertdiscontent
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