essence meaning in telugu

Word: essence
Meaning of essence in english - heart, significance, distillate, concentrate

Meanings in telugu :

saaramu ( సారము )

Identical words :

essences - karaatamu ( కరాటము )
essence of anything - dhaatuvu ( ధాతువు )

Synonyms of essence

core substance nature root basis character soul element crux meaning principle aspect bottom line reality quality spirit structure kernel point nitty-gritty attribute entity caliber nub timber constitution germ being essentiality life fiber form fundamentals backbone base nucleus burden marrow quintessence vein meat pith stuff grain property be-all and end-all lifeblood quiddity chief constituent main idea name of game virtuality scent effusion balm potion spirits tincture liquor drug perfume cologne juice fragrance elixir

Antonyms of essence

abstract exterior outside top exteriority stink

Related English Telugu Meaning

essencesessentialestablishestablished customestablishingestateesteemestimate of the seed sown infieldestimateestimationestrangementetcetceteraeternal blisseternal happinesseternaleternallyetheretherealethereality
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