fallacy meaning in telugu

Word: fallacy
Meaning of fallacy in english - illusion, misconception

Meanings in telugu :

aabhaasamu ( ఆభాసము )

Synonyms of fallacy

falsehood deception misinterpretation untruth heresy paradox inconsistency cavil perversion delusion miscalculation bias casuistry artifice evasion quirk ambiguity speciousness sophistry deviation flaw misapprehension aberration solecism preconception deceit equivocation erratum illogicality prejudice subterfuge error sophism erroneousness notion mistake quibbling faultiness deceptiveness inexactness misconstrual invalidity

Antonyms of fallacy

reality fairness frankness honesty truthfulness sameness accuracy evidence certainty openness directness facing meeting conformity correction fact right

Related English Telugu Meaning

fallen downfallen from virtuefallen infallenfallingfallow fieldfallowfalse accusationfalse oathfalse objectionfalse rubyfalsefalsehoodfalsely accusedfalsenessfalteringchoked soundfamefamiliar intercoursefamiliarityfamiliarityin poems
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