fellow meaning in telugu

Word: fellow
Meaning of fellow in english - male or female colleague, friend

Meanings in telugu :

tōdi ( తోడి )

Identical words :

As noun :
fellowship - ummadi ( ఉమ్మడి )
fellow son-in-law - shaddakudu ( షడ్డకుడు )
fellow heircousin - jnaati ( జ్ఙాతి )
fellow wife - savati ( సవతి )
fellow disciple - sabrahmachaari ( సబ్రహ్మచారి )

Synonyms of fellow

lecturer associate assistant professor companion instructor counterpart comrade concomitant reciprocal consort double duplicate equal member coordinate twin mate peer partner compeer cohort match confrere

Antonyms of fellow

enemy foe opponent stranger pupil student

Related English Telugu Meaning

Telugu to English
English To Telugu