female meaning in telugu

Word: female
Meaning of female in english - having the qualities or characteristics of a woman

Meanings in telugu :

yōni ( యోని )

Identical words :

femaleoffspring - apatyamu ( అపత్యము )
female singer - gaani ( గాణీ )
female servant - chēti ( చేటి )
female imp - daakini ( డాకిని )
female tortoise - dhuli ( ఢులి )
female ascetic - taapasi ( తాపసి )
female line - napt ( నప్త )
female buffalo - barre ( బర్రె )
female of animals - pett ( పెట్ట )
female calf - peyy ( పెయ్య )
female dedicated in infancy to siva asprostitute - basivi ( బసివి )
female slave - baanis ( బానిస )
female who vends articles - laavik ( లావిక )
female swan - varat ( వరట )
female performer - shailooshi ( శైలూషి )

Synonyms of female

feminine effeminate fecund fertile maternal womanish womanly muliebrous girl mother madam sister daughter matron lady grandmother gal gentlewoman femme she miss Ms

Antonyms of female

male masculine

Related English Telugu Meaning

femaleoffspringfemininefenfence woven with twigsfencefencingfennelferingeefermented liquorfermented rice waterferrulefervidfervourfestivalfestivityfestoon of leavesfetterfeudatory princefever in an elephantfever of grief
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