firmness meaning in telugu

Word: firmness
Meaning of firmness in english - stiffness, immovability, resolution, resolve

Meanings in telugu :

sthairyamu ( స్థైర్యము )

Synonyms of firmness

inflexibility toughness hardness durability solidity density resistance compactness imperviousness temper rigidity impermeability inelasticity impenetrability fixedness impliability tensile strength soundness steadiness tension stability tightness tautness substantiality steadfastness determination constancy strictness decision obstinacy purposefulness obduracy decidedness staunchness fixity

Antonyms of firmness

flexibility weakness infirmity instability indefiniteness uncertainty softness

Related English Telugu Meaning

first classfirst crop of the year which consists of grain of an inferifirst day of either lunar fortnightfirst flight ofbirdfirst lunar mansionfirst manfirst meal given to an infant at weaningfirst moneyseller receives towards the price ofthingfirst muhammadan monthfirst of the moons increasefirst part of the nightfirst timefirstfish beingsort offish bonefish called old wifefish called roballfish called white pomfretfish calledfish in general
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