flirt meaning in telugu

Word: flirt
Meaning of flirt in english - person who makes advances, make advances toward someone

Meanings in telugu :

chittini ( చిత్తిని )

Synonyms of flirt

vixen siren wanton tease philanderer coquette player operator wolf seducer vamp cruiser trifler swinger heartbreaker fool disport banter ogle proposition pitch dally come on pick up eyeball gam bat eyes at come hither hit on lead on linger with make a move make a pass

Related English Telugu Meaning

float of timberfloat used in anglingfloatflock of birdsflock of cuckoosflock of parrotsflock of sheepflock ofhundred sheepflockfloodflop downflounder to mouthflour and sugarflour boiled in steamflour consisting ofmixture of several substances used in making liquorsflourflourishflourishesfloutingflow foriver
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