flower meaning in telugu

Word: flower
Meaning of flower in english - bloom of a plant, best, choicest part, bloom, flourish

Meanings in telugu :

soonamu ( సూనము )

Identical words :

flower put on the ear f - avatansamu ( అవతంసము )
flowers - bibbi ( బిబ్బీ )
flower basket - good ( గూడ )
flowering plant named whorl flowered ruellia - granthitagaramu ( గ్రంథితగరము )
flower called bluebell - dintenu ( దింటెను )
flower that resembles the aquatic lotus - nettammi ( నెత్తమ్మి )
flower called the trumpet flower - paatal ( పాటల )
flower called - sēmanti ( సేమంతి )
flower-blossom - prasoonamu ( ప్రసూనము )
flowered pattern incloth - buta ( బుటా )
flower of the plantain tree - shilindhramu ( శిలీంధ్రము )
flowering plant called - shēphaali ( శేఫాలి )

Synonyms of flower

blossom vine perennial shoot head annual efflorescence posy cluster spray floret spike bud herb pompon floweret inflorescence prime prize top freshness height pick pride elite cream finest point greatest point prosper mature unfold burgeon thrive blow batten open

Antonyms of flower

nadir worst bottom droop sag shrivel fail lose shrink close die

Related English Telugu Meaning

flowered pattern inclothflowering plant calledflowering plant named whorl flowered ruelliaflowersflowing of the tideflowingflownfluctuatefluctuatingfluencyfluidflung from his chariotflungflurryflute-playerfluteflutering of wingsflutterfluttering accents sobbingfluttering accents
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