forfeit meaning in telugu
Word: forfeit
Meaning of forfeit in english - something given as sacrifice, give up something in sacrifice
loss penalty cost relinquishment mulct fine damages abandon surrender renounce lose drop be deprived of be stripped ofaward reward gain victory win profitforge to inventforged coinforgetfullnessforgetfulnessforgiveforgottenforkforkedforlornform as cloudsform of marriage in which the bride is carried away by forceform of sacrificeform offormformalistformation of compound termsformed by weaving the tresses in chains and then coiling them up at the back of the headwreath offormed of muskformed offormer time
Meanings in telugu :
kōlupuchchu ( కోలుపుచ్చు )
Synonyms of forfeit
Antonyms of forfeit
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