gibe meaning in telugu

Word: gibe
Meaning of gibe in english - ridicule

Meanings in telugu :

trastari ( త్రస్తరి )

Identical words :

gibe at - deppu ( దెప్పు )

Synonyms of gibe

sarcasm swipe jab dump mockery scoffing taunt jeer dig put-down derision slam joke sneer comeback cutting remark parting shot rank-out flout disrespect deride scorn make fun of

Antonyms of gibe

flattery praise compliment commendation respect admire

Related English Telugu Meaning

giddinessgift donationgiftgifted with supernatural powersgifted withgiggigantic bodygigantic swallow wortgigantic swallowwortlarge kind of calotropisgiganticgigglinggildinggillgills offishgimlet worked withstringginally formed from various castesgingergingilly seedsgipsy hamletgirdle worn bybrahmin bachel
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