halt meaning in telugu
Word: halt
Meaning of halt in english - end, stoppage, stop, cause to stop, hesitate, stutter
interruption pause standstill letup freeze layoff termination impasse break arrest close cutoff break-off grinding halt screaming halt screeching halt bar suspend terminate stem adjourn stall cease curb impede deter hamper block break off obstruct punctuate balk frustrate desist stay check wait cut short draw up hold back pull up intermit blow the whistle on bring to an end bring to standstill call it a day cease fire close down come to an end cool it drop anchor hold at bay put a cork in stand still vacillate limp stammer hobble stagger waver falter stumble dither shilly-shally be defective whifflecontinuation beginning start endurance go perseverence permit commence aid further stimulate urge assist restart carry out open allow continue encourage let go initiate advance help keep on support promote do carry on forge forward push speak smoothly persist remainhalter fhalter to tie up cattlehalterhalterhdhalters knothalting placehamlet injunglehamlet near the foot ofhillhamlethammock of clothhammockhamperhand breadthhand core in the heart ofpalmyrahand cuffs that slide onbar of ironhand held ascup to containliquid in the palmhand held ascuphand in handhand lamphand over hand rapidly
Meanings in telugu :
nilchu ( నిల్చు )
Identical words :
halterhd - jirr ( జిర్ర )
halters knot - tamme ( తమ్మె )
halter f - talagu ( తలగు )
halter to tie up cattle - talugu ( తలుగు )
halting place - sattaruvu ( సత్తరువు )
halters knot - tamme ( తమ్మె )
halter f - talagu ( తలగు )
halter to tie up cattle - talugu ( తలుగు )
halting place - sattaruvu ( సత్తరువు )
Synonyms of halt
Antonyms of halt
Related English Telugu Meaning
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