humbug meaning in telugu

Word: humbug
Meaning of humbug in english - nonsense, hoax

Meanings in telugu :

pitalaatamu ( పితలాటము )

Synonyms of humbug

hogwash silliness babble bunk bull hooey drivel poppycock rubbish baloney balderdash gibberish trash pretense empty talk hot air BS prank fraud scam sting flimflam gyp deceit put-on spoof con hustle swindle con game snow job

Antonyms of humbug

sense truth possessions honesty

Related English Telugu Meaning

humidhumiliationhumilityhumming noise ofbeehumourhump backed manhump backedhump of an oxhumphunhundredhung overdoorwayhungerhunterhunting leopardhunting weaponhuntinghuntsmanhurdle used asharrowhurdle
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