imminent meaning in telugu

Word: imminent
Meaning of imminent in english - at hand, on the way

Meanings in telugu :

tatasthamu ( తటస్థము )

Synonyms of imminent

probable unavoidable possible looming likely immediate forthcoming inevitable impending approaching close expectant following gathering ineluctable inescapable menacing near nearing next threatening nigh about to happen brewing fast-approaching handwriting-on-the-wall in store in the air in the cards in the offing in the wind in view inevasible on its way on the horizon on the verge overhanging see it coming to come

Antonyms of imminent

unlikely avoidable later far future escapable never distant

Related English Telugu Meaning

immoderateimmortalimmovableimmoveableimmutableimpimpairedimpartialimpassableimpatience of anothers successimpatienceimpedimentimpendingimpenetrableimper let us giveimperative ofimperative rise yeimperativeimperceptible by the sensesimperceptible to the senses
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