itch meaning in telugu

Word: itch
Meaning of itch in english - scratching, tingling, strong desire, scratch, tingle, desire strongly

Meanings in telugu :

paam ( పామ )

Identical words :

As noun :
itchiness - kasimiri ( కసిమిరి )
itching sensation - jil ( జిల )
itchcing - dool ( దూల )

Synonyms of itch

crawling tickle rawness irritation creeping psoriasis prickling itchiness yearning impulse craving hankering eroticism urge restlessness longing yen hunger lust motive lustfulness passion concupiscence prurience appetite aphrodisia appetition sting prickle irritate titillate ache crave thirst chafe pant sigh burn pine want be impatient

Antonyms of itch

dislike hate hatred calm disgust indifference

Related English Telugu Meaning

itchcingitchinessitching sensationitchingitem in an accountitemitenerant dancerits body resembles silkits fruitits grainits hornits one-eyed regent who was the guru of the asurasits regentits species areits vicinityitsjack sprattjackaljacketjackformonkey
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