jester meaning in telugu

Word: jester
Meaning of jester in english - person who jokes, plays jokes

Meanings in telugu :

vidooshakudu ( విదూషకుడు )

Synonyms of jester

jokester clown fool madcap trickster antic harlequin wag actor joker wit comedian buffoon comic humorist card prankster droll quipster pantaloon banterer cutup japer larker life of the party practical joker standup comic

Related English Telugu Meaning

jestingjet blackjewel worn at his breast by the god vishnujewel worn by childrenjewel worn by women in the lobe of the earjeweljewelsjocosejogjoinjoinedjoiningjoint in carpentryjoint in the bodyjoint inbamboojoint incanejoint of the fingersjoint of the hipjointjointof the fingers
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