kill meaning in telugu

Word: kill
Meaning of kill in english - deprive of existence, destroy, turn off, cancel

Meanings in telugu :

kaarianchu ( కారించు )

Identical words :

killing - hins ( హింస )
killed - hatamu ( హతము )

Synonyms of kill

wipe out execute murder hit slay massacre slaughter drown poison get assassinate crucify dump neutralize asphyxiate dispatch erase extirpate guillotine strangle zap snuff exterminate suffocate waste electrocute finish liquidate sacrifice hang smother lynch annihilate obliterate immolate eradicate do away with do in polish off put away rub out garrote X-out put to death stop prohibit revoke forbid cease counteract still ruin negative quash halt veto suppress nullify nix deaden stifle refuse annul quell defeat extinguish recant scotch turn out

Antonyms of kill

create preserve construct bear fail leave miss save lose give birth hold keep maintain help free let go loose build start begin initiate turn on permit sanction aid assist OK validate allow push approve authorize light continue support agitate disturb irritate

Related English Telugu Meaning

killedkillingkinkind heartkind of alliterationkind of an earthern cover overpotkind of anisekind of antelopekind of aquatic plantkind of arrowkind of augerkind of axekind of beer made fromfermented pastekind of beltkind of birdkind of blindnesskind of cactuskind of cakekind of cannonkind of carp fish
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