meat meaning in telugu

Word: meat
Meaning of meat in english - flesh of animal consumed as food, core, gist

Meanings in telugu :

mēt ( మేత )

Synonyms of meat

foodstuff fare ration nourishment edible grub aliment subsistence nutriment eats sustenance chow brawn comestible provision muscle victual kernel substance heart essence point pith short nucleus burden sense thrust upshot marrow nub

Antonyms of meat

exterior outside

Related English Telugu Meaning

mechanical artmectingmeddlingmediationmediatormedical artmedical treatmentmedicamentmedicinal drugs burnt to ashesmedicinal plant havingleaf like that of the vinemedicinal root themedicinal rootmedicinal shrubmedicine called catechu the inspissated juice of themedicine medicine tied up incloth fmedicinemeditatemeditationmeekmeet withjoy
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