pin meaning in telugu

Word: pin

Meanings in telugu :

salaak ( సలాక )

Identical words :

pine away - krishianchu ( కృశించు )
pink - kaavi ( కావి )
pine - vanaru ( వనరు )
pinnacle - gōpuramu ( గోపురము )
pinch - nokku ( నొక్కు )
pin in the centre ofyoke - tamire ( తమిరె )
pindari - pindaari ( పిండారి )
pining - beng ( బెంగ )
pincers - sraapanamu ( స్రాపణము )

Related English Telugu Meaning

pincerspinchpindaripine awaypinepiningpinkpinnaclepious personpious talepiouspipepiperpipkinpiquepish foh fyepistil of the lotuspistil oflotuspit at the bottom of the throat on the breast bonepit concealed under leaves and earth to catch elephants
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