prop meaning in telugu

Word: prop

Meanings in telugu :

maaraaku ( మారాకు )

Identical words :

proper to shine - adaru ( అడరు )
proper - svakamu ( స్వకము )
propriety - saamaanjasyamu ( సామంజస్యము )
propitious - abhimukhamu ( అభిముఖము )
property - svaapatēyamu ( స్వాపతేయము )
proptrellis f - upaghnamu ( ఉపఘ్నము )
prophet - muni ( ముని )
property that is distinct from what belongs to the family aswhole - ēdar ( ఏదర )
proper name denoting the - kaLingamu ( కళింగము )
propose - kōru ( కోరు )
prop an upright piece of wood used in supportingshorter beam onlonger one in shelving roof - guzju ( గు్జు )
properly - samyak ( సమ్యక్ )
proper time - tati ( తతి )
proportionate value comparative merit - taaratamyamu ( తారతమ్యము )
propel - tōyu ( తోయు )

Related English Telugu Meaning

propelpropellingproper name denoting theproper timeproper to shineproperproperly saidproperlyproperty that is distinct from what belongs to the family aswholepropertyprophetpropitiousproportionproportionate value comparative meritproportionedproposalproposeproprietorproprietyproptrellis f
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