Unassisted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unassisted
As adjective :
निःसहय बेसहारा
Other : अकेला Ex:  Although many proteins can fold unassisted उ:   डसेलडोर्फ अकेला जर्मन शहर है जिसे छठे नंबर पर स्थान मिला। असहाय उ:   सीडीएनए संश्लेषित होता है अकेला असहाय आरएनए टेम्पलेट से।
Unassisted ki paribhasha : jisake saath koi na ho bina saathi ka
Usage of Unassisted in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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