Unfaithful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unfaithful
As adjective : अधर्मी Ex:  an unfaithful lover उ:   वह फ्रांस की क्रांति को अधर्मी और विनाशकारी मानता था।
अविश्वसनीय Ex:  Hunter was rumored to be Jewish and to have an unfaithful wife उ:   उपयोगकर्ताओं को जल्द ही पता चल गया कि ये अविश्वसनीय हो सकते हैं। इतिकथ Ex:  an unfaithful manager गद्दार Ex:  By extension, victory, fortune became unfaithful to him, abandoned the उ:   पुलिस के बिच एक गद्दार यह बात कांचा को बता देता है। बतछुट Ex:  In a way unfaithful बेवफ़ा Ex:  It is especially used in speaking of love and above said is the fear that the loved one will feel a sense of preference for some other, is unfaithful विश्वासघाती Ex:  Mirror, unfaithful ice
Other : अविश्वशनीय Ex:  Her unfaithful lover deserted her. असती Ex:  The easy-going Sir Charles Easy is chronically unfaithful to his wife असत्य Ex:  A husband, wife and unfaithful elliptically, as the name , an infidel, an unfaithful उ:   असत्य आदि जो दोष बतलाए गए हैं वे केवल "शिष्याबोधाय" हैं। अस्वामीभक्त Ex:  A race unfaithful कपटी Ex:  being unfaithful to his friend छली Ex:  Custodian unfaithful नमक Ex:  Domestic unfaithful उ:   खानेवाला नमक एक प्रमुख लवण है।
Unfaithful ki paribhasha : 0781 karanevaala ek kid
Usage of Unfaithful in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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