Unfavorable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unfavorable
As noun : नकारात्मक Ex:  In response to many unfavorable Supreme Court decisions उ:   हालांकि कुछ नकारात्मक समीक्षाएं भी हुई हैं।
As adjective :
नामुवाफिक Ex:  Although Muhammad's image in the west is much less unfavorable than in the past प्रतिकूल Ex:  Despite the unfavorable air pattern उ:   ८ फुट से कम गहरा पानी मत्स्य पालन के लिए प्रतिकूल है। प्रतिजन्य Ex:  He also said, figuratively and familiarly to anyone to whom the opinion is favorable, unfavorable प्रतिबाधि Ex:  He said specifically that of balls, depending on their white or black, were in favorable or unfavorable some games or in examinations प्रतीपवचन Ex:  It also means Conjecture, favorable or unfavorable opinion that is not the result of positive evidence प्रसव्य Ex:  It also means Who adds the word unfavorable idea बरखिलाफ Ex:  It also says things that pass the state they were in an unfavorable condition बिकूल Ex:  It is not usual that in these phrases: opposing Fortune, Fortune contrary, unfavorable विप्रतीप Ex:  It is said now that in a sense unfavorable
Usage of Unfavorable in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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